Categories: Gardening

Rooting Life Indoor🌱

It’s Earth Day Week 2020. And this time we all are here to applaud this moment digitally. This year, Earth Day marks the 50th anniversary of the event being celebrated.

Despite the ongoing pandemic that means public events and social gatherings are not possible we can still work in our own space to create a change around us.

This post is all about creating a happy place and healthful habitat to reside.

Here I’m talking about plants which not only help you in dealing with your sleep cases but also remove toxins, purify the air, produce oxygen, increase productivity, decrease stress and greatly foster happy vibes.

So without further ado, here’s my list of the best indoor plants to help you establish your happy habitation.

“If man is to move into closed environments, he must take along nature’s life support system.”

– NASA, on the role of plants in purifying indoor-air.

Snake plant( mother in law’s tongue) (Sansevieria)

It’s the most tolerant plant I had ever seen and without a qualm, it’s my favourite indoor factory.🤗

Absolutely straightforward care. You can neglect it for weeks still the leaves look neat. If you dwell in a busy schedule or frequent touring then this is the right selection.

NASA research has even shown that snake plants are able to help keep the air inside your home clean and remove toxins.

Grow and care: The most important thing to remember is that they can easily rot, so a free draining soil needs to be used.

Leaf cuttings are the usual method but probably the easiest way to propagate snake plants is by dividing. The roots produce fleshy rhizomes, which can simply be removed with a sharp knife and potted up.

Caring part is really easy. They need indirect sunlight and don’t water them too much.

Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum)

These are closet plants, mostly use in offices and home with low sunlight. These plants are easiest to care for yet so elegant to stare at.
Dark green leaves and white flower makes it dramatically glorious.

Grow and care: One of the most common mistakes in the care of peace lilies is overwatering. Simply touch the top of the soil to see if it is dry. If it is, water your peace lily. If the soil is still damp, the plant does not need to be watered.

Peace lilies also benefit from repotting or dividing when they outgrow their containers. If you are repotting, move the plant into a pot that is at least 2 inches larger than its current pot. If you are dividing, use a sharp knife to cut through the center of the rootball and replant each half in its on the container.

The wide leaves on peace lilies tend to be a dust magnet, you should either wash or wipe down the leaves at least once a year.

Bamboo Palms (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

It’s in the top of the list for purifying the air. It is also able to filter carbon monoxide from the air.

This plant loves shade, lots of water, and can tolerate fairly low temperatures, making it an ideal plant for many environments, including homes, offices, malls, and sheltered areas of gardens.

Grow and care: Likes bright, indirect light and prefers to remain moist but not too much and doesn’t like sitting in water.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a popular medicinal plant that has been used for thousands of years. This is my on the hop cosmetic to rely on.


Grow and care: Put your aloe vera near a sunny window. Two hours of direct sunlight required. It’s absolutely easy to pot and regrow from the mother aloe vera plant.
Just need to cut the baby plant from the root and re-pot.

These foliage air purifying plants for bedrooms and living room filters the air from pollutants such as xylene, benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.

Grow and care: It does not need direct sunlight. The soil this plant thrives in should be damp but not soggy since overwatering might turn the leaves yellow. The plant can grow as tall as 12 feet and therefore may require periodic pruning.

So, here’s my choice of 5 plants which can assist us for healthy living with there tremendous benefits. But these are the least we can count on.

For us every day is a Earth Day.

Here are few tips to make a difference, everyday of the year.

  • Join a local park, river or beach clean-up.
  • Use environmentally-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products.
  • Replace inefficient incandescent light bulbs with efficient CFLs or LEDs. Reduce your carbon footprint by 450 pounds a year.
  • Change your car’s air filter regularly.
  • Stop using disposable plastics, especially single-use plastics like bottles, bags and straws.
  • Donate your old clothes and home goods instead of throwing them out.
  • Use cloth towels instead of paper ones.
  • Set your office printer to print two-sided.
  • Bring reusable bags when you shop.
  • Buy organic food to keep your body and the environment free of toxic pesticides. Support farmers and companies who use organic ingredients.

Our results suggest that active interaction with indoor plants can reduce physiological and psychological stress compared with mental work. This is accomplished through suppression of sympathetic nervous system activity and diastolic blood pressure and promotion of comfortable, soothed, and natural feelings.

Journal Of Physiological Anthropology

Thanks for coming by the blog!

Much love❤️



So..a little more about me. I am a mum to a 7-year-old girl and I'm so good at it-I guess☺, wife to a lovely husband. I also work as a Content Creator, Blogger and Nutrition Expert. I have an enduring passion for books, gardening and travel story writings. I love to write about Lifestyle Management, Nutrition, Travel diaries, Work-life balance, gardening and Photographic Journeys. So, I hope you find something you like here- feel free to comment if you do!

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